It's being aware of what it means to lose oneself before being completely abandoned. هو إذ تدرك ما يعنيه أن يفقد المرء قبل أن يتم التخلي عنها تماما.
We were all at the age where one hasn't decided whether... to start a family or lose oneself in the world. كنا جميعاً في عمر واحد ليسلديناإختيارواضح... . أن تؤسس عائلة أو ...
But as easy as it is to lose oneself it is even more difficult to forgive oneself to find oneself again. لكن مثلما يخسر الشخص نفسه بسهولة تصبح مسامحتها صعبة لكي يجد الشخص نفسه
Well, suppose we think of sexuality as fusion... losing oneself, as you say, but losing oneself in the other... حسنا ، نفترض بأننا نفكر فى الجنس كتذويب و تدمير للشخص ، كما تقول ، ولكن